Preview Report for 2022 Origin-Destination Household Travel Survey

The TRANS 2022 Origin-Destination Household Travel Survey was completed in Fall 2022. The Origin-Destination (OD) Survey obtained travel data from 69,480 people across 31,818 households, capturing 162,243 trips. Overall, a 5% random sample of households was surveyed throughout the National Capital Region, including urban, suburban, and rural areas. 

The preview report presents selected key findings from the OD Survey and provides a glimpse into regional travel patterns from the 2022 survey. A more detailed analysis is forthcoming, along with supporting technical reports. 

2016 National Capital Region Travel Trends

The primary objective of this study is to track changes in travel behaviour and trends in the NCR as recorded in four major origin-destination (OD) travel surveys conducted in 1986, 1995, 2005, and most recently, in 2011. These surveys present a snapshot of travel demand on a typical day in the NCR by surveying a large sample of its residents about where, why, when, and how they travelled. This, coupled with demographic information about travellers, portrays the changing state of travel in the NCR.

This report updates and builds upon previous NCR Travel Trends studies by presenting the relationship between travel trends and changing economic and demographic conditions. Updated information from the 2011 Census and other sources help establish a holistic picture of the emerging, shifting and established trends within the NCR. On the basis of the observed trends, this report also provides forward-looking analysis about the likely changes in travel behaviour that will manifest themselves in the coming years.

Full report (2016 National Capital Region Travel Trends Report) has been released.

2013 Special Generators Survey in the National Capital Region

To supplement the 2011 Origin-Destination (O-D) survey, the TRANS Committee will conduct a Special Generators Survey (SGS) in the National Capital Region from November 4 to 29, 2013).

TRANS is learning more about the travel patterns and characteristics of visitors to the National Capital Region, as well as the traffic generated by major destinations within the region for both permanent and non‐permanent residents.

For more detailed information, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions.

2011 Origin-Destination Survey — Results Now Available!

The results provide a detailed picture of the “who, where, why, when and how” of trips made by residents of the National Capital Region. In all, 25,374 telephone interviews were completed in Fall 2011, representing 5.0% of all households, which is considered a rich sample.

For more detailed information, check out the 2011 Origin-Destination survey.

2009 External Travel Survey – Results Now Available!

The NCR 2009 External Travel Survey was an important follow-up to the household-based 2005 O-D Survey and captured information on trip patterns that were not captured in the 2005 survey, specifically trips that originate in, or are destined to, locations outside of the NCR. The survey was conducted in spring/summer 2009. In all, 17,744 valid surveys were completed, representing 13.3% of all traffic passing through the survey sites during the 11-hour survey period, which is considered rich and comprehensive sample.

Read more about the results of the 2009 External Travel Survey.

2007 Interprovincial Roadside Truck Survey – Results Now Available!

In the summer of 2007 (June), an Interprovincial Roadside Truck Survey was conducted to establish a comprehensive database on interprovincial heavy truck travel patterns in the National Capital Region.

The results of the Interprovincial Roadside Truck Survey are available now.